In early 2012, Montblanc issued a limited edition red ink to accompany its Alfred Hitchcock LE pen. While the pen was gorgeous, it was well out of my reach. (And out of the reach of most others, except for this one lucky man, who was kind enough to review the pen for the masses.) For a mere fraction of the price, however, Hitchcock fans could claim a bottle of Montblanc's excellent Hitchcock ink, which despite being a limited edition was relatively easy to find for a period of time and eventually made its way into my regular rotation. To date, this is the only ink I've "hoarded," and I have multiple bottles stashed away. The ink is dark enough to use for any purpose, dries quickly, and doesn't feather or bleed. The art deco styling on the small (30ml) bottle is attractive. This is one LE ink that I would love to see reintroduced in a larger bottle to fill the need for a red in Montblanc's lineup.
The ink is a dark "blood red," and I haven't seen any ink that I would call its equivalent. Diamine has some dark reds that come close, but none have the same combination of great color and low-maintenance qualities that this ink has.