Last year I kicked off the New Year with a post titled “Five Intentions for 2022: What I Want to See from Myself,” where I took five not-quite-resolutions and discussed how I wanted to change things up over the coming year, both personally and for The Gentleman Stationer. As with most “New Years Resolutions,” I forgot about the specifics of these intentions after a few months, which is exactly why I left them as a rather vague set of “guiding principles” as opposed to specific, concrete goals. As we stare down 2023 (seriously!?!), I’m going to spend today’s post checking in, recapping my progress on the intentions from 2022, and talking about my general themes for 2023. In short, I plan to continue with most of these same goals, adding in a couple of new ones that are more tweaks as opposed to new “resolutions.”
Revisiting Goals from 2022
Write More Fulfilling Content. For 2022, I wanted to move T.G.S. away from being a pure “product review” site, and publish more pieces that help people discover the appropriate tools that they can use to get “real work” done in their life, whether that be personal writing or journaling, creative work, or planning. There’s a tension in stationery between acquisition for use and acquisition for its own sake, and between finding a good pen that you can use everyday and spending endless amounts of time and money searching for the “perfect” pen, ink, notebook, etc. The latter can be fun, and while there’s nothing wrong with collecting and exploring all of the various stationery rabbit holes as a hobby, it’s easy to lose sight of why many of us got started in the first place. Of the five 2022 intentions, I’m most happy with how this one turned out: I wrote more series and “editorial”-style pieces in 2022 than I ever have before. Given the traffic, comments, and reader reactions to these particular articles, I plan to keep them as a major part of T.G.S.
Travel More and Reconnect Post-Pandemic: It’s Finally Over! (Or Is It?). While 2021 was marked by fits and starts in terms of trying to get the pen show circuit going again, 2022 plowed ahead, with most shows occurring as scheduled and seeing relatively robust attendance. I attended five pen shows: Baltimore, Atlanta, Chicago, Washington D.C., and San Francisco, and had positive experiences at most of them. I think the biggest takeaway is that, like me, many people are looking at these post-pandemic pen shows as opportunities to connect with other users and members of the community, and not solely as two or three-day shopping binges. If the shows respond with more thoughtful alternative offerings such as additional courses and workshops along the lines of what was available in San Francisco, I believe they will continue to grow. I plan to attend several shows in 2023, though I’m still finalizing specifics as I work through my family calendar. I’ll update shortly!
Minimize/Stash Reduction. I’ve sold off a LOT of pens over the past year, and while I’ve added some, acquisitions have been more intentional. For the first time in however many years, I’ve not had to add a new pen case for storage purposes, have actually sold off some pen cases, and have slots open in those that remain. (I know, unheard of, right?!) I plan to continue this trend, with Patreon members seeing the first round of reductions via a “Gently Used” sale coming at them this weekend in advance of the New Year.
Growing a Sense of Community around TGS. I’m consolidating the last two points from my 2022 Intentions because they’re related. Despite the inconveniences of not being able to travel much in 2020 and 2021, one positive aspect of the Pandemic, at least for me, was getting comfortable maintaining connections via e-mail, social media, and, yes, even Zoom, and I feel that I’ve stayed in better touch with friends and colleagues between those occasions I get to see them in person. I’ve truly enjoyed getting to know many of you through Patreon, and hope to grow that community online and participate more in-person at shows as things continue to normalize.
In terms of new acquisitions, I’d definitely be happy to see 2023 limited to a handful of custom/small batch pens.
Are There Any New Intentions for 2023?
Not necessarily. The four topics discussed above remain a pretty good barometer of where things stand and the direction I want to take things. However, I’m probably going to add two complementary, more concrete personal goals to the list.
Set Better Boundaries Between “Work” and “Play”. I’m not talking about the day-job here, I’m talking about T.G.S. While I’ve operated the site as a formal business for tax purposes, etc. for a few years now, every so often I’ve had to take a step back and make sure that the business aspects of T.G.S. don’t take over what I enjoy about stationery. Honestly, I even briefly considered giving it up entirely around mid-year, but quickly discovered that I could never do that. It’s a fundamental part of who I am, and the work I’ve done here and the community I’ve grown are a far more personally fulfilling contribution to the world than most of what I’ve accomplished on in my day job. Still, I need to remember to read and write for my own enjoyment and personal growth, not just for the site, in order to maintain personal balance. I may write more on how I intend to do that as the year goes on.
Further Limiting New Acquisitions for my Personal Collection. I’ve never had a “hard cap” on the number of pens in my collection, but maybe it’s time to set a more concrete restriction on how I accumulate stuff. Does that mean purchasing pens only at shows, or restricting personal purchases this year to unique pieces from independent makers? Maybe. Honestly, I already have pretty much one of every “mainstream pen” out there due to more than a decade of collecting, and running the site/shop gives me the opportunity to sample and test new releases without having to add yet more pens to my personal collection. It’s a situation that’s somewhat unique to me, but it’s been nice to start drawing boundaries around what’s a “TGS Pen” purely for review and testing, and what pens form part of my core personal collection. In terms of pens I’ve purchased for review, I need to be better about reviewing them and promptly selling them off or giving them away. Not all of them can stick around, as there’s a limit to how many pens one can actually use in a year, even if you’re rotating frequently.
So, as with last year, these are my personal reflections and goals. I’ll continue the year-end review/New Year’s planning content for the next week, reflecting on how I think the community is involving, what I’d like to see more or less of, and of course, planning my stationery kit for 2023!
Setting Up Your Own 2023 Analogue Tool Kit? Take Advantage of Our Year-End Promotion
As you prepare for the new year, including setting up your notebooks and planners and other analogue work tools, take advantage of a 10% discount on most items from the T.G.S. Curated Shop using the coupon code “LOYAL10” at checkout. See yesterday’s post for full details, including any exclusions, though most of the 2022 Top Sellers are discount-eligible.
The Gentleman Stationer is supported by purchases from the T.G.S. Curated Shop and pledges via the T.G.S. Patreon Program, and does not utilize advertising or third-party affiliate links.