As the years have gone on (The Gentleman Stationer will celebrate 10 years in April 2024), content has shifted somewhat from pure reviews to more of a 50/50 balance between specific product reviews and more “big picture” content that offers an overview of general product categories and how more specific products fit into the overall scheme of what’s available. To that end, TGS content in 2023 was heavily influenced by reader questions, as I aimed to be more responsive to what I perceived as the needs of the readership. Did this result in a more “scattered” range of content without a central theme? Possibly, but I also found unresolved loose-ends in some of the longer-running series, as well as gaps in coverage of certain product categories that needed to be filled.
TGS Responds! Your Questions Answered
Even if I can’t respond to all of the e-mails, direct messages, and snail mail correspondence, I do read every one, and I try to maintain a master list of questions that inspires future content. If the same question resurfaces frequently enough, I’ll answer it directly. Here are some of the questions I answered in 2023:
#21PenQuestions from The Gentleman Stationer (My responses to this year’s internet trend)
#5MorePenQuestions: What I Really Wanted to Answer (My own attempt to add a bit more depth to the analysis)
Questions from the T.G.S. Mailbag (Frequently Asked Questions to which I wanted to respond directly)
Fountain Pen Basics: 5 Best Practices for Fountain Pen Users
How Do You Curate Your Shop? (If you’re interested in my decision to open a companion shop, and the “philosophy” that guides my stocking decisions, I’d encourage you to read this post.)
Updates to Established Series (i.e., Workhorse Pens, Fountain Pen Friendly Paper, etc.)
You can find links to the full range of series content in the “Resources” section, but here I’ll recap some new additions from 2023.
The Gentleman Stationer’s Favorite Fountain Pen Inks Inaugural Edition (2023) (People have been asking me to do a “favorite inks” list for years, and this was fun so I’ll likely update it.)
The Best Paper for Everyday Writing, Part VI: Legal Pads (I’m a lawyer. How did I go nearly ten years without ranking legal pads?)
Workhorse Pens: Considerations and Pitfalls of High-Capacity Pocket Fountain Pens
Pocket Fountain Pens, Part II: Further Reflections on Pocket Carry
Personal Workflow: It’s More Than Novelty - Different Paper Rulings for Different Purposes
Updated Review Archive, Best Pens, and 2023 Holiday Gift Guide
I’ve (mostly) kept up with the T.G.S. Fountain Pen Review Archive in real time, adding new pens to the archive as I review them. Every spring I also update the “Best Pens List”, and in the fall, I launch the Holiday Gift Guide! These remain live throughout the year as I feel they provide good general references for those seeking guidance in their pen purchasing decisions.
I attended the Dallas Pen Show for the first time this year, and spent a LOT of time perusing available vintage pens.
Pen Show Recaps and Travel Posts
2023 was a year of travel, and while I hopefully don’t have to hit the road quite as much in 2024, that’s likely an unrealistic expectation as there are so many places I want to visit, both to expand my own horizons and interact with the readership. As I travel, I generally post recaps of my trips, including pen shows and trade shows (there’s a difference!), as well as the occasional vacation post to share my stationery travel gear of choice.
Inkvent was fun but I’m feeling ready to conclude for the year!
Expanded Patreon/YouTube Content and the 2023 Inkvent Calendar
The YouTube Channel has been reactivated! During the second half of 2023, I’ve made an effort to supplement the written content on the site with (1) additional video content to showcase more aspects of the pens I review here; and (2) offer some additional perspective on items I’m using week-to-week. Finally, I put together a nearly complete - three more days to go - overview of the 2023 Diamine Inkvent Calendar, which you can follow on this YouTube Playlist.
Our Patreon program has turned into a pen club of sorts, which offers access to monthly meetups on Saturday night via Zoom, as well as additional content and early access/preferred pricing on T.G.S. Curated Shop exclusive releases. I have a lot planned for 2024, so if this interests you please consider joining. (If you join for a year in advance, I believe Patreon offers a discount on the yearly pledge.)
Each year in December I recap the prior year, including favorite acquisitions (Part I), favorite products I reviewed (Part II), and top sellers from the T.G.S. Curated Shop (Part III). Stay tuned throughout the next two weeks for additional recap content.
The Gentleman Stationer is supported entirely by purchases from the T.G.S. Curated Shop and pledges via the T.G.S. Patreon Program.