Because there are so many special vendors traveling in from around the world to attend the San Francisco International Pen Show - mainly vendors from Japan - Friday morning features the classic rush of early attendees lined up outside the show before the doors open to weekend pass holders at 8 a.m. Big draws at this year’s show include Urushi Studio Bokumondoh, Bungubox, Cute Things from Japan, Toyooka Craft, Stylo-Art, Eboya, and more! Long lines lasted through the morning, though things calmed down a bit mid-afternoon.
The only shot I managed to get down the Foyer hallway outside the main ballroom!
Given that I’m holding down a table solo this weekend, I didn’t have much of a chance to scope out what other people were selling. (Hopefully there will be some stuff left on Sunday afternoon, but after D.C., my wallet won’t complain if that doesn’t pan out.) Please come by the table today! I’m located between Enigma Stationery (Source of the Cinnamon Roll plushy procured for daughter) and Vanness Pens! We have plenty of stuff still available, given that I brought two massive suitcases full of stuff after I ran out in D.C., though we are out of or running low on certain colors of Lochby cases and Anterique pens. Be sure to hit us up early if there’s something specific that you have your heart set on!
My sole purchase yesterday. :)