Stationery and School: My Personal Round-Up (via Urban Adventure League). I love bag dumps and everyday carry posts, especially when it’s about stationery being used in a relatable everyday context.
Drawing Table Unpacked (via Fueled by Clouds & Coffee). More awesome scenes from non-internet real life.
BWIPS 2025 Recap (via Rachel’s Reflections). A great comprehensive recap of the Baltimore Pen Show by someone who’s attended nearly all of them! I also heard this year’s show was quiet, both in terms of attendance and purchase activity.
Baltimore Washington International Pen Show Recap (via Penquisition). Eric has a great recap of BWIPS 2025, with a ton of vendor pictures.
2025 Baltimore Pen Show Recap (via Pen Addict - Kimberly). And we also have Kimberly’s always-comprehensive Baltimore recap! I hope some of you got to take her class on handwriting.
Traveler’s Company Stamp Caravan at Hands (via Inkredible Colours). Another stop on the Traveler’s stamp tour! People apparently stake out the events and buy up the limited items, like a mini pen show.
The Amazing…and Reasonably Priced, Vazir Horizon (via Figboot on Pens). I like the streamlined shape on this pen, from a newer company I haven’t yet experienced.
Santini Giant Faceted Venezia Fountain Pen Review (via Blake’s Broadcast). The Santini Giant is one of those pens I would love to have in my collection, especially with their gorgeous materials, but unfortunately the size just doesn’t work for me.
Iroful Notebook Review (via Fountain Pen Love). A comprehensive post discussing Iroful paper as a Cosmo Air Light replacement.
Nanami Seven Seas - Old and New Tomoe River Paper Side by Side (via Well-Appointed Desk). I still get questions about how the two compare. Here’s a comparison for a specific popular Tomoe River notebook.
In Case You Missed It….
This week on the blog I continued to play around with video content, posting my currently inked lineup for the month of March 2025 and talking about my efforts to shop my own stash and reduce, overall, the number of pens in my collection. I also walked through yet another of my mini-collections, and honestly, probably not a mini-collection but a major theme of my pen accumulation in general: Yellow pens! Finally, I’m posting more video content on the T.G.S. YouTube Channel, some of which overlaps with what I’m doing on the blog, and other content which is entirely separate. Mostly it’s been a lot of personal sharing, such as this week’s Currently Inked video and a travel bag dump from the week before.
Believe it or not, we already only have one remaining black with pink suede Taschenbegleiter remaining in stock! Thanks to everyone who’s taken one of these home - I will have a selection with me in Arkansas.
This Week in the T.G.S. Curated Shop: Roterfaden is Back!
We received a major restock of Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter binders this week, including binders with four clips, binders in the classic black+red color combination, and binders with blue felt or pink suede interior, which are somewhat uncommon options you don’t see much. Check out Tuesday’s post for full details. We also have the new Kaweco Honey Sport fountain pens, the new Lamy Scarlet Safaris, a Lochby restock, and lots more. All of the new arrivals are summarized in each week’s Thursday Drops (though after this week’s post went up, we also received a bunch of new ink from Taccia and Lamy - including the new Petrol and Sepia).
Also, please note that the shop will be closed except for by appointment for the upcoming week - we will be in attendance at the Arkansas Pen show from Thursday March 20 through Monday March 23. Any orders placed before close of business on Thursday will ship before then and the rest upon my return.
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