It’s taken me way too long to get this post up, and there’s one reason why: I’m terrible at letter writing. The plan was to work through my ever-growing stack of correspondence that I’ve been intending to answer, and write something about how I’m getting back into letter writing, featuring this stationery, but I just haven’t had the discipline to sit myself down and actually do it. Given the quality of this letterpress stationery kindly sent to me by Meticulous Ink, that’s a shame.
Meticulous Ink is a shop in Bath, England that specializes in bespoke letterpress printing and fine stationery. All of their letterpress is done in-house. While I can’t claim to be a connoisseur of letterpress work or stationery in general, what Meticulous Ink has sent me is beautiful, from the letter sheets and correspondence cards to the greeting card and bookmark. (I absolutely love bookmarks, and have a massive stash of them everywhere around my house, so they pretty much had me with that.)
I was actually shopping around for some letter sheets and letterhead when Meticulous Ink reached out about a review. I couldn’t have asked for better. The design is classy and understated - exactly what I was looking for.
Who doesn’t need correspondence cards? I use these far more than letter sheets, to send short notes and thank-yous.
A great quote, and an even better design.
Takeaways and Where to Buy
This type of “review” works much better as a visual post, so I’ve tried to provide you with some detailed images of the type of work the team at Meticulous Ink can do. If you are in the market for bespoke stationery or correspondence cards, you should definitely visit their online shop. Meticulous Ink also stocks an array of calligraphy and lettering supplies, pens, pencils, notebooks, and notepads, some of which I’ve not seen before, like this FAF Desk Pad. If you live in the area, they also host calligraphy and lettering workshops.
Many thanks to Verity and the team at Meticulous Ink for sending me this stationery and making this review possible!
Disclaimer: I received the items featured in this post free of charge, for review purposes.