You may have noticed that I've been doing fewer ink reviews on this blog. That's because I've mostly moved them over to a Tumblr I run,, though so far I've done an extraordinarily bad job letting you all know that. I've recently posted a couple ink reviews (mainly photographs) of Sailor DoYou and Diamine 150th Anniversary Terracotta over there, so please check it out.
Sailor DoYou is another very dark brown that I've been enjoying. A full review is up on the TGS Tumblr.
I made the decision to give ink reviews their own site since it seems like there is less demand for them than other kinds of content, and as a result I was having a hard time justifying fitting them into the rotation. Also, I've set the Tumblr up so that you readers can submit your own ink reviews if you so desire. So far, nobody's taken me up on that offer, but the invitation stands!
If you follow me on Instagram, I periodically post ink-related stuff over there, and anytime the Tumblr is updated you should get a notification if you follow me on either Tumblr or Twitter.
Happy Friday!