The Liliput is one of those pens that doesn't get as much attention as its slightly larger pocket pen brethren, the Kaweco Sport Series. I understand why--the pen is very small, and is a "pocket pen" in the truest sense of the word. While the Sport and the AL Sport both post in a way that makes them almost full size, the Liliput remains, well, liliputian. This pen probably appeals to a smaller group of users than the rest of Kaweco's offerings: those people who absolutely must carry a fountain pen with them everywhere they go.
As you can see, the pen is small, but not so small as to render it unusable. I like this pen a lot, and use it regularly as a pocket carry.
The pen certainly is not so small as to render it unusable. I use this pen a lot, particularly as a pocket carry when I'm out and about. With the right ink, it's a good Field Notes/pocket notebook pen because it slides into your pocket easily and the EF nib that I have is not so wet that the ink bleeds through the page significantly. I can still write on both sides.
Other reviewers have found the pen too light. The version I have is the black aluminum version, and true, there isn't much weight to it. BUT, Kaweco now offers a brass version available from here in a new "Wave" styling. Brad at the Pen Addict has reviewed this pen and likes it a lot. (Link Here) If you're concerned about the weight of the pen, and would like a pen with more heft, consider the brass version.
It goes without saying that this pen is cartridge-fill only. The much-maligned Kaweco mini-converter might fit, but I would not recommend it. Instead, pick up some cartridges of Kaweco's great ink, and refill those with a syringe.
The Liliput is ultraportable. See here compared to the Kaweco AL Sport.
If I had to choose one "negative" to discuss, I would raise an issue with the nib that I chose. The tines of my EF nib are cut unevenly, which you can see in the picture below. This causes the pen to write with slightly more tooth than I would otherwise prefer and to dig into the paper if I catch a wrong angle. I've not seen the same issue with the Kaweco Medium I own, or the fine or broad nibs that I've tried. In the future on Kaweco pens, I would probably stick to the absolute basics (F,M,B).
Overall, the verdict on this pen is positive. For a pocket pen, It's a definite "recommend," but it's important to keep the "pocket pen" part in mind. This pen was not designed to take 20 pages of longhand notes in a sitting or write a novel. I'm glad to have it as part of my Kaweco collection.
The nib slit looks unevenly cut on this pen. I'll probably purchase a new nib eventually, and switch to the smoother writing fine or medium. Kaweco nibs are interchangeable, at least for the Sport and Liliput models.

Scan of handwritten review in Kaweco Ruby Red, and ink I've grown to love but a discussion of which is outside the scope of this review.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: To all of those who participated in my giveaway last week, check the comments of that post to see if you've won! I've only heard from two of my four winners and if I don't hear from the other two by Sunday I'm going to have to pick two new ones.